Consume less, Conserve More

Soaring electricity bills are the latest inflation flashpoint around the world. According to NEADA (National Energy Association) in USA, following by abnormal heat wave one after another, it estimates the average family's cooling costs rose from $450 last summer to about $600 this year. In UK, annual consumer price inflation for gas and electricity is forecast to soar to an average of around 80% this year, compared to an average of 40% across the 19 countries that use the euro, analysis from Deutsche Bank shows.

Reducing electricity use in the workplace or household could save money and benefit the environment. Below are a few handy tips that can be easily implemented to help to reduce consumption. Taking a few energy-saving adjustments that may seem inconsequential, small steps become great leaps when multiplied by 7 billion of the world population. 

Look For Energy-Saving Features On Office Equipment

When buying equipment for your business & home, look for models that have energy-saving features and settings. Energy-saving modes on your devices and office equipment generally use around 70% less energy than full power mode. 

Unplug Devices That Aren't In Use

Unplug unused appliances or use a power strip with an on/off switch such as computers, televisions, microwaves, and space heaters can make up almost 10% of your energy consumption.

Replace Light Bulbs

Replace incandescent and CFL light bulbs with LEDs, which use up to 70-90% lessenergy and last longer, saving money on the bill and reducing energy-related greenhouse gas emissions.

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